The experiences of ordinary conventional living often focus on pleasure, pain and confusion rather than residing in the underlying disposition of enlightened freedom or Moksha (liberation, release).

The paths to Moksha are myriad, and it is the goal of this journal to reflect a multiplicity of perspectives, including works pertaining to Yoga, various schools of Buddhism, Sufism, and mystical Christianity, etc., through articles, poetry, and line drawings.

The Moksha Journal was honored to bring so many contributors together to share in the noble attempt of expressing the inexpressible.

Moksha Journal – Volume I, Number I: January, 1984

Yoga of Action (a meditation) by Gurani Anjali p. 1
The Senses by Gurani Anjali p. 5
The Contemporary Practice of Yoga in America by Christopher Chapple p. 6
In Meditation; That Art Thou; Song for Buddha by Margaret Clearwater p. 19
Reflections on the Education of Young Children by Maureen Chapple p. 20
The Platonic Epistemology and the Nature of Philosophical Activity: A Comparison with Indian Philosophy by Marc Fellenz p.24
Yoga as Radical Re-education by William Bilodeau p. 40
A Trip to Kalady, The Birthplace of Sankaracarya by Christopher Chapple p. 45

Moksha Journal – Volume I, Number II: March, 1985

On Self-Formation (Ahamkara) by Yogi Ananda Viraj p. 1
From a Healing, Three Trees, Death and the Fisted Heart, The Inward Journey of Stars by Rocco Lobosco p. 17
Continuum EssuancePsalm of the Rising Dawn – Words in the Shadow by Jamal Ahmad Abdul-Karim p. 20
The First Good Day of Spring by Jim Renda p. 22
Non-Violence and Indian Religious Traditions by Christopher Chapple p. 23
A Night Observation, Warm Day in Winter (Resurrection) by Robert Rose p. 32
Death by Sound/Eliciting Images by Danny Romano p. 34
Honoring Vayu (the Wind) by William Bilodeau p. 35
Whether or Not by William Bilodeau p. 35
Book Review: Two Texts on Enlightenment by Sal Familia p. 37

Moksha Journal – Volume II, Number I: November, 1985

Philosophy and the Public World by Gerald M. Turchetto p. 1
The Prince Who Loved Towers by Rocco Lo Bosco p. 19
Foundations of Yogic Culture: Vedic Methodology and Mcclain’s Musicology by Tom Affatigato p. 25
Solution to a Two Part Physics Problem by Rocco Lo Bosco p. 49
Two Works on Jainism (book review) by Christopher Chapple p. 50

Moksha Journal – Volume II, Number II: March, 1986

Meditation: The Making of Images (essay) by Antonio T. de Nicolas p. 1
Fire Drill (fiction) by Rocco Lo Bosco p. 9
Meditations on Mortality (poem) by Metro Davis p. 20
Ocean (poem) by Bob Rose p. 21
On Freedom in Heidigger (essay) by Jeff Gaines p. 22
The Sovereign Secret (poem) by Krystina Wund p. 35
The Voice (poem) by Bob Rose p. 36
Powers of Imagining (book review) by Sal Familia p. 37

Moksha Journal – Volume III, Number I: November, 1986

The Power of Sacrifice (meditation) by Gurani Anjali p. 1
Haiku Tetractys (poem) by Steve Crimi p. 11
For the Other (poem) by Bob Rose p. 13
Thoughts (poem) by Gurnai Anjali p. 14
The Way of the Witness (essay) by Christopher Chapple p. 15
The Fist (poem) by Bob Rose p. 32
If Not For You (poem) by Marianne Stanton p. 33
Sudden Flowers (poem) by Glenn James p. 34
Maturity (poem) by Gurani Anjali p. 35

Moksha Journal – Volume III, Number II: March, 1987

Freedom, Interdependence and Reverence (meditation) by Gurani Anjali p. 1
The Outcome of Crisis in Hamlet and the Bhagavad Gita by Steve Crimi p. 15
Chinese Buddhism and Derridean Deconstruction by Professor Robert Magliola p. 27

Moksha Journal – Volume IV, Number I: November, 1987

The Transformation of Struggle Through Yoga (Essay-Meditation) by Gurani Anjali p. 1
From Self-Consciousness to Consciousness: A Yogic Meditation by Yogi Ananda Viraj p. 11
Violence and Nonviolence: A War to End All Wars? (Essay) by Christopher Chapple p. 22
Intuition: Its Nature and Uses (Essay) by Hope Fitz p.31

Moksha Journal – Volume IV, Number II: March, 1988

Dispassion, Devotion, and the Structure of Freedom (essay-meditation) by Yogi Ananda Viraj p. 1
From Despair to Liberation in the Poetry of T.S. Eliot by Rocco Lo Bosco p. 11
The Mystical Experience from a Heideggerian Perspective (Essay) by Hope Fitz p.31

Moksha Journal – Volume V, Number I: September, 1990

The Ecstacy of Being (essay-meditation) by Gurani Anjali p. 1
Five Poems by Yogi Anand Viraj p.12
The Historical Perspective and Contradictory Avoidance in Yampolsky’s Translation of The Platform Sutra (essay) by Steve Crimi p. 17
Long Sermons (poem) by Krys Crimi p. 28
The Calling (poem) by John Hance p. 29
Who Shall Hold Dominion? (poem) by Carl Baum p. 30

Moksha Journal – Volume V, Number ll: 1991

Offering, Purity and Breath (essay-meditation) by Gurani Anjali p. 1
The Intelligent (poem) by Gurani Anjali p. 9
Desire (poem) by Gurani Anjali p. 9
An Outline of Yoga-Samkhya Philosophy by Yogi Ananda Viraj p. 10
Poem by Chandni Duni p. 24

Moksha Journal – Volume VI, Number l: 1991

Open Your Eyes (essay-meditation) by Gurani Anjali p.1
Poem by Regina Lo Bosco p.
Affliction (Klesa) and the Structure of Experience by Yogi Ananda Viraj p. 8
The Party by Metro Davis p. 22
A Mother’s Day Insight by Krystina Crimi p. 23
For a Former Student Visiting China by Sr. Lou Ella Hickman, I.W.B.S p. 27

Moksha Journal – Volume VI, Number II: 1991

The Truth Will Set You Free (Essay-Meditation) by Gurani Anjali p. 1
Be Still and Behold by William Bilodeau p. 11
On Yogic Dispassion (Vairagyam) by Yogi Ananda Viraj p. 12
The Affliction by Regina Lobosco p. 21
The Elements and the Senses by William Bilodeau p. 22
Peace by Dolores Burns p. 31
Spring: The Sanctity of Becoming by Rocco Lo Bosco p. 32
Marshlands by David Axelrod p. 34
The Moon at Sea by David Axelrod p. 35
What the Moon Teaches by David Axelrod p. 36
Stragglers by David Axelrod p. 37
The Two-Year-Old Gardener by Timothy Hodor p. 38
Soul Music by Timothy Hodor p. 39
Wanderer’s Wind Prayer by Daryl Nielsen p. 40

Moksha Journal – Volume VII, Number I: 1993

The Rising and the Falling (essay-meditation) by Gurani Anjali p. 1
Isvara in the Yoga Sutras: Practice and Perspective by Yogi Ananda Viraj p. 6
Siva Nataraja by Rose Rosberg p. 34
Suffering, Enlightenment and Community by Rocco Lo Bosco p. 35

Moksha Journal – Volume VII, Number II: 1994

A Meditation by Gurani Anjali p. 1
Fasting by Lance Bark p. 10
The Struggle by Daniel Guerra p. 11
An Examination of Buddhi by Yogi Ananda Viraj p. 13
The Orchard Keeper by Suzanne Freeman p. 68
Notes from the Field by Suzanne Freeman p. 69
Always by Steve Thomas p. 70
Haven by Suleiman Richard Grosslight p. 71
Singing Bowl by Helen Laurence p. 72

Moksha Journal – Volume VIII, Number I: 1995

A Meditation: Waiting on the Lord by Gurani Anjali p. 1
Rest in the Meaning of Words by Walker Brents p. 10
Early Morning Coffee in the Garden by Elizabeth Gips p. 11
To the Dineh Elders by Elizabeth Gips p. 12
The Solitude of Night by Dolores Burns p. 13
Om Jal (Sacred Water) by Dolores Burns p. 14
Suffering and the Perspective of the Discerner (Vivekin) by Yogi Ananda Viraj p. 15
Poem by Yogi Ananda Viraj p. 55
Colored Paper Boats by Karen Ande p. 56
Meditation (Dhyana) by Georg Feuerstein p. 57
Good Friday by Mary Rudbeck Stanko p. 69
The Moon Appears Again by Metro Davis p. 70
Circles by Krystina Crimi p. 71
Some Divine Movement by Krystina Crimi p. 73
Before You Were Born by Scott Starbuck p. 74
Track Star by Scott Starbuck p. 75
The Rite by Brian Snader p. 76
The Path by Lance Bark p. 77

Moksha Journal – Volume VIII, Number II: 1996

A Meditation On Love by Gurani Anjali p. 1
An Aspirant’s Prayer by William Bilodeau p. 10
A Sadhana Prayer by Dolores Burns p. 11
Tantrism and Neotantrism by Georg Feuerstein Ph.D p.12
The Light by Hassan Gebel p. 26
I was Playing in the Presence by Dr. Susan Mccaslin p. 27
You Do Not Know How a Pregnant Woman Comes to Have a Body and a Living Spirit in Her Womb by Dr. Susan Mccaslin p. 28
An Interview with Deba Brata Sensharma by Maryellen Lo Bosco p. 29
Meditation in Takahashi by Debra A. Dean p. 47
Sanskrit Pronunciation Guide p.48

Moksha Journal – Volume IX, Number I: 1998

A Meditation: The Call of the Unmanifest by Gurani Anjali p. 1
The Leaf Sonnet by Elizabeth Gips p. 10
Swami Vivekananda’s Raja Yoga and the Samkhya System by Christopher Key Chapple p. 11
The Shadow and Karma by Antonio T. De Nicholas p. 29
Pantheism as a Metaphysics by Victo M. Depta p. 41

Moksha Journal – Volume IX, Number II: 2000

We Are Here To Express the Silence by Gurani Anjali p. 1
The Recovery of Meaning in a World of Despair by Rocco Lo Bosco p. 11
Ecstasy by Antonio T. De Nicolas p. 41
The Body in South Asian Religious Thought by Christopher Key Chapple p. 55
Nirvana: The Ultimate Freedom by Raphael Comprone p. 70