A wave bespeaks a thousand tides,
shimmering reflected sun-
egret plucking fish between ripples

Thatched roof cottage like a clump
on a cobblestone lane,
three wrinkled women laughing over tea

A horsedrawn plowshare slices a sacred geometry
furrowing Mother Earth-
muddy shows left in a doorway

A clouded dome gently brushes
leaves from the tree tops-4
pierced by a leaning telephone pole

A broken streetlamp hunched over
midnight empty parking lot,
salvation army spillover clothes

a snow laden moving van bypasses
laundromat sadness-
playing chess on the stoop

Supermarket check-out bumpercar
long line sighs and stares.
Who is responsible?

Pigeon nest poop over a doorway
air conditioner, a silent broom sweeps-
hungry chirping

A vacuum cleaner and hair dryer
conversing at the same outlet-
one breath flows into the other

Sitting beside your Friend at seaside,
Pungent brine and wave-breath rhythm,
Knowing exactly what to do.