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Have You Found What You Need?
Have you found it? Have you found what you are looking for? Having lived in this world for so many years and looking through the eyes that you have become accustomed to looking through, have you found what you are looking for? Are you still looking. If you are still looking, where are you looking? Are you looking at me? Do you think I have what you need? Where are you looking? Are you looking at your friends? Does your friend have what you need? Do you need anything? What do you need? Are you looking in hopes of getting what you need? Are you looking in the mirror for what you need? Are you looking at the friend, the paper, the man, the woman, the child, the things, the floor, the tree, the fire, the birds, the ground, the water, the money—yes, the money. Are you looking at the cloths that you wear? Or others wear? Are you looking at the jewelry , the cosmetics? What are you looking for? Or are you looking? Good question there? Looking into your car. Looking on your bed? Looking, looking, looking everywhere. Have you found it? You’ve been looking for a long time. Now what do you want, records, tapes, going to a party, going to a movies; going shopping. Looking, looking, looking—have you found what you need. But still, have you found what you need? Where is it? I’d like to see it. What did you find? Where are you keeping it? How are you holding it? What are you doing with it? Can you share it with me? . . . Have you found it? Looking, looking, looking, Go to the library—found a book—what you looking for—you need something in that book. Did you find it? The explanation wasn’t good enough. The description wasn’t good enough. But you sit there and turn the pages, still more to read. Read more (link to “Have You Found What You Need?”)