Just as Gurani Anjali’s Yoga teachings supported the many individuals for whom she accepted responsibility for training, she also had many supporters that contributed written expressions of their own wisdom toward the continuation of the Yoga Dharma.

She had great respect for the spiritual writings of those that came before, and often encouraged her students to write down what they knew, so as to leave further footsteps that could be followed by those as yet to come. She would say that there was always someone coming up that could benefit from whatever wisdom one had at the time and could share.

Following are written offerings and contributions by her students that were acknowledged during her lifetime.

Essays by Yogi Ananda Viraj (Eugene P. Kelly, Jr.)

This four part series of essays is intended to provide a comprehensive introduction to Yoga-Samkhya philosophy.

  1. An Outline of Yoga-Samkhya Philosophy
    by Yogi Ananda Viraj (Eugene P. Kelly, Jr.)
  2. Affliction (Klesa) and the Structure of Experience
    by Yogi Ananda Viraj (Eugene P. Kelly, Jr.)
  3. On Yogic Dispassion (Vairagyam)
    by Yogi Ananda Viraj (Eugene P. Kelly, Jr.)
  4. Isvara in the Yoga Sutras: Practice and Perspective 
    by Yogi Ananda Viraj (Eugene P. Kelly, Jr.)

Essays by Other Students
