by Yogi Ananda Viraj (Eugene P. Kelly, Jr.)

Stretch out the left leg and under this thigh shove in about one-fourth of the right leg keeping the body steady like a tree planted in the ground. Know this as vrksasana.– Gheranda Samhita II.38

The word vrksa means tree. The instructions given above do little to help us understand how to perform this posture so we will supply our own.


  1. Stand in the tadasana, i.e. stand up straight with hands at sides and feet together.
  2. Bending the right leg at the knee slide the sole of the right foot up the inside of the left leg until the right heel is tucked up as high as it can go.
  3. Holding the left leg straight raise both arms straight up over the head until palm meets palm.
  4. Holding arms and left leg straight breathe normally and maintain steadiness for about 1 minute.
  5. Return to tadasana slowly, rest a few seconds and repeat in the opposite manner (i.e. right leg on floor).
  6. Do the vrksasana twice on each side.


Like the other standing yoga postures the vrktasana tones the leg muscles and improves concentration. In a general sense breath, body, and thought coordination is exercised and improved.