by Yogi Ananda Viraj (Eugene P. Kelly, Jr.)

The word uttana means stretched out, spread out. The word pada means, in this context, feet or legs. Therefore, the uttana-pada-asana is the “extended legs posture.”


  1. Sit on the floor, spine straight and feet together with legs straight.
  2. Bend the legs at the knees bringing the feet in toward the buttocks.
  3. Clasp the toes with the hands, (right to right, left to left).
  4. Slowly, while maintaining balance, raise the feet so that the legs become fully stretched out. Keep feet together. Maintain grip on toes.
  5. While in this position breathe normally and remain steady. Hold for 1 to 2 minutes.
  6. Return from this position, slowly, to the sitting position from which you started. Repeat twice.


There are not many variations of the uttanapadasana. The main one is done by spreading the legs, while keeping them straight, once in the position.


The uttanapadasana is effective for loosening the legs, arms, and back muscles. Also, the balance that is required in this posture improves circulation.