by Rocco Lo Bosco
A Yogic Offering for the Spring Festival
In the garden of spring blooms the flower of becoming. This long awaited season is the emergence of form, color and fragrance that is simultaneous with an internal sense of expansion and renewal. The bare skeletal trees now show tender green buds bursting forth through hard seed; the cold ground now softens with rain and warmth, releasing flowers to light, multicolored and multi-formed, a living raiment cloaking the earth in majestic adornment; grass again begins to grow and each new blade holds the sunlight in its emerald heart and in the morning, dew will cling to it like fresh tears of joy. The songs of birds fill the morning space with music poured from the golden pitcher of sound, music calling life out of sleep, transforming back yard into cathedral.
The becoming of renewal and rebirth occurs in our experience and nowhere else. We shed the layers of winter, inhale the fragrance of the first spring evening, and it is in the fragrance of that deep musk we know the presence of earth in a manner unrevealed by sight and touch. We open with the opening of earth. We fill up with the filling up of the landscape. We are colored by all the colors that appear around us. The lift of the season is also the lifting of our own heart to fresh possibility. The experience of spring and its becoming is always our possibility. We shine with the sun; we green with the grass; we glitter with the stars, and it cannot be otherwise for these glories appear in and indicate our living existence. The roots of spring are literally anchored in the heart of human awareness. The music of the birds plays within our bodies and truly these creatures fly in the sky of consciousness. Each manifestation indicates the sacred through which it arises.
The becoming of this spring implies all becoming, all springing forth out of darkness. Living spring, we live the expansion and awakening of being, the fullness of manifestation ecstatically illuminated by pure awareness, and this expansion is the becoming of I and the universe. Spring then is a human embodiment indicating awaking, renewal and transformation. In humility and awe we tum to the inner spring at the heart of understanding, the possibility of spiritual awakening and transformation through mediational silence, which brings forth the Vision of Oneness.
At the core of our temporal existence lives the One beyond time Who sees all into existence, the unborn One in Whom revolves the wheel of the seasons, the totality of human existence, the One illuminating She Who appears as space, time, and self. She is sky, stars, fish, moon and sun, powerful mountains, bottomless seas, body, mind and thought. She is the seasons: as spring, the child. The One sees within our seeing and all that he sees is She who lives for and through Him, holding Him lovingly within Her sacred heart. All that She was, is and shall be, allows Him to live, and it is only through Her that He can live. We are Him as the seeing and we are her as the seen. What a privilege to be the offspring of this divine union, this mystery beyond mind and speech: sacred seed of consciousness, holy womb of being, becoming, becoming this.