Mantras (chants), mudras (symbolic gestures) and pranayama (breath control) were integral parts of Gurani Anjali’s Yoga training. All three were included in her teachings as techniques to loosen the rigidity of our conditioned perspectives in order to allow for a glimpse of the reality that lies beneath. She often included these techniques in the many varied classes, seminars and meditations whenever she felt they would be of benefit for those assembled.

Thought training and mental discipline held an important place in her teaching method. Mantras, mudras, and pranayama techniques could be employed to free ourselves from the grip of language constructs and over-thinking and lead us into a release that is embodied rather than deliberated.

One of Gurani Anjali’s playful sayings was “when you think you stink…when you feel you fly.” By the use of mantras, mudras, and pranayama as loosening techniques, which help set the conditions for the letting go of conventional perception, the true nature of the senses, mind and breath can be revealed and new habits of perception could be cultivated.

Mantras, mudras, and pranayama were approached as much more than mere techniques. They were practices that were used to alter one’s karmic configuration in order to be more aligned toward perceiving sacred knowledge and the embodiment of the true nature of life. In this the heart can be opened to the sacred freedom that lies at the core of every experience.

All mantras are auspicious, when with our hearts and our minds we make that connection. The mind must reach out to the heart; the heart must reach up to the mind. And when there is unity with one pointed attention, then we are blessed.

– Gurani Anjali