by Gurani Anjali

WAKE UP, O WOMAN! And show your strength, which is the essence of the rose, the dew on the grass, the dusk at twilight, the dawn before the sunrise, the cool breeze on a hot summer’s morn. O, woman! Wake up and show your strength. Quench the thirst which dries the heart, for you are the underlying current in all circumstances and situations; pulling, drawing, twisting, and turning only to unite in order to manifest the many expressions of existence, consciousness and ecstasy.

– Gurani Anjali

It saddens my heart when in thought I drift off to the far corners of the earth, to the crowded metropolitan centers of great nations, to the slums, to the physically handicapped, to the mentally disturbed, to the oppressed, to the despised, and especially to the little children, who are abused and used in all classes of society. My respects go to the conscious parent, who sees the child being more than a child, the conscious parent is a pillar of life and freedom, full of wisdom and understanding, having the knowledge of perfect discrimination, guiding the child with love that pours from the heart, bringing and drawing out the best qualities which are hidden in the subconscious.

Storytelling to the young children and lullabies for infants by parents are unheard of today; in its place there are substitutes of all kinds – for example a toy of some sort, rattles, and crib ornaments for the baby; the child loses interest in these substitutes very fast, money is lost and the children are robbed of a lasting treasure. Go to the zoo and learn from the monkey an important lesson. Parents have no time – too busy earning the money, so that they can provide substitutes for the children and themselves -working under pressure, which brings them ulcers, high blood pressure, nervous tension, which in turn brings on the other precious treats for the doctors to treat. There is hardly a child, teenager or young adult who could re-tell from memory a story or lullaby which his or her parent so lovingly bestowed on them. Lucky the child that has had that experience. I sincerely hope all parents would become acutely aware of this while the child is still very young. Children don’t need or want disciplinarians- they cannot understand the do’s and don’ts which are thrown in their little faces. These theories and concepts were culturally invented to sell a product, be it physical or mental. Where are the people of this land and around the world going to? Slavery was abolished years ago and yet it seems that the task masters are still at large: they are quite cleverly camouflaged, putting the chameleon to shame. Are we becoming the dignified slave or have we become slaves? My suggestion to you, the reader and parent, is to get rid of the substitutes in your life, and you will get back your honor.

I see the decadence on all sides, but not without hope. Women have subjected themselves for much too long, to diverse abuses, due to avidya (ignorance) which is the cause of pain. When you don’t feel your strength from your weakness, or your weakness from your strength, when you don’t understand and see clearly through your intellect, then you are forever restless, which results in fear and hopelessness. Women can and must play a decisive role in life. The first step to take is respecting themselves, thereby creating an atmosphere which would be conducive to better understanding and social behavior, but above all the essential nature of woman will be realized.

Before the dawn of civilization, man was a cave and a forest dweller, protecting and guarding his territory; the female in his life was his most important possession; survival was his goal. There was no moral talk then – just the feeling of this is mine. Man felt like a lion knowing his place; he was alive and he knew it; he did not need to be told “feel alive! Be alive!” He knew it. He lived for something and was ready to die for it; in the vast wilderness he knew his place – courageous, brave and ruthless at times. The female, feeling that strength and security, could not help but surrender and be possessed, and in so doing the human race continued. Man has a heart, and so he feels emotions, he has a brain with the many workings of it, so he penetrates the cosmos and everything in it, everything that pulsates with life. Curiosity and the urge for possession and establishments of rights, has not ceased.

The modern man still has the feeling for guarding, protecting, and establishing his domain, mainly through the processes of thought. He has evolved; the thinker in him is clearly manifested. He is not a mere reactionary. The conscious man sees the non-dualistic life. It is a pity there aren’t many of them around. The modern woman desires to be possessed – he needs the possession and she needs the security. Why?

Now in the year 1976 how does everything look for these two birds -male and female, on whose wings (desires) societies are built, nations rise and fall. So next time you fly, watch in which direction your wings go.

Man, you are on a mission. Woman, you are on a mission. You both are on a mission together, whether you like it or not; it was planned that way. You cannot survive the mission alone. Sometimes the mission becomes impossible – impossible because you don’t understand the mission. Seek understanding. How?

Do Yoga – the journey of life will be made simple. The meaning of Yoga is to yoke, join, bring together, unite. There is a reason. Seek understanding.

Having established United for the Preservation of Womanhood (UPW), it is my desire to inform women and all those who desire peaceful co-existence between the sexes (male\female) to reach beyond the form to the real meaning of name, form and desire.

Om shanti,
Gurani Anjali