by Yogi Ananda Viraj (Eugene P. Kelly, Jr.)

Gomukhasana is placing the hollow of the left foot under the side of the right posterior and the hollow of the right foot under the side of the left, resembling Gomukha.– Sandilya-upanisad I.3

Squat on the ground and draw up both legs over the shoulders one after the other and sit motionless. This (cow-faced) formation is known as gomukhasana.– Gheranda-samhita I.14

Placing the right ankle on the left side and the left ankle on the right side, (is) the gomukhasana, (having ‘the appearance of a cow).– Hatha-yoga-pradipika I.22

The word go means cow. The word mukha means mouth, face, countenance. The gomukhasana is the “cow-faced posture.” As you can detect from the above quotations there is no total agreement on the position of the gomukhasana. For our purposes we will be discussing the first and third of these, regarding the second as a variation.


  1. Sit on the floor legs outstretched.
  2. Place palms on the floor and raise the buttocks.
  3. Bend the left foot in under right posterior and sit on it.
  4. Bend the right thigh-over the left thigh and maneuver the right foot under the buttocks to touch heels with the left. Relax as much as possible.
  5. Clasp the hands behind the back by bringing the left arm over the head and dropping the hand down the back and bringing the right arm behind the right side, bending so that the right hand can clasp the left.
  6. Breathe normally.
  7. Repeat the position in the opposite manner, i.e. substituting left for right and right for left in the instructions.
  8. Do twice on each side.


If you have difficulty with the leg-crossing aspect of the gomukhasana you may substitute a portion of the virasana, Instead of crossing the legs remain seated on the buttocks, spread the feet and rest them on the outer sides of the hips.

Once you have achieved some degree of comfort in the gomukbasana you may bend forward while in the position to further stretch the back; legs, arms, etc.

If you become extremely flexible you may attempt the variation given in the second quotation above. Please be cautious.


The gomukhasana is obviously good for toning the leg, arm, shoulder, back and abdominal muscles because of the rather demanding stretch involved. The chest cavity is expanded, the back is strengthened to encourage proper posture, and the shoulders gain flexibility.