Night of the God and Goddess ~ Maha Purusha /Maha Devi
by Yogi Ananda Viraj
Once each year the members of Yoga Anand Ashram gather to pay their respects to the sacred reciprocity of life, known to us on this night as the God and Goddess. The God is that aspect which is pure awareness, the presence of which in our experience illumines the entirety of life. This awareness is known to the Yogis as purusha. The Goddess is the creative movement of life’s contents as it passes before the vision which is purusha. The Goddess is at once the origin and the goal of all manifestation. The Goddess is known to Yogis as prakriti. It is the ongoing relationship of these two divinities which gives rise to all. The “experiential realization” of this divine union generates a deeply felt need for the worship and honor of life itself. Through this attention paid to the sacred reciprocity we share in the movement of the divine union.