The training at Yoga Anand Ashram is based upon The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, also known as Patanjali Yoga, Classical Yoga and Raja (Kingly) Yoga. The teachings are an eight-limbed system believed to have originated in the 3m century A.D.

Yoga practice (sadhana) encompasses and benefits all levels of human experience, physical, mental, social and spiritual. Initial stages of the training, which include Yoga postures (asanas), and breathing techniques (pranayama) have been known to provide extraordinary health benefits, both physical and mental.

Everyday practices of abstinences (yamas) and observances (niyamas) further prepare the individual for concentration (dharana) and meditation (dhyana). More advanced stages of practice aim at spiritual growth through unitive awareness (samadhi).

You are welcome to share in the wealth that the Yogic way of life has to offer.

Om shanti,
Gurani Anjali