Namaste from the “Temple of Silence.” We spend many moments of silence; be happy in that. Enjoy that encompassing embrace and each time you enter into it feel its presence and surrender to it. And when you leave it feel the strength which is the power given to you to execute your obligations and responsibilities in the realm of NameFormTime.

Do your sadhana, be strengthened by the fire of austerity, be purified, rid your true self of your ignorant self. Be watchful and mindful. In the living of the understanding derived through the practice of sadhana an issuing forth process takes place in the moments of your many circumstances. It flows into an intensifying state of understanding – becoming knowledge.

Knowledge, like understanding, becomes intensified in the moments of your daily living. Like a fruit, it ripens, reaching its peak.

Knowledge must be enjoyed by whomever wishes to taste the sweetness of understanding, becoming full with wisdom.

Wisdom: the grand finale, the culmination and the ecstasy – where the micro and the macro meet. The universe is yours and you are the universe. How will you know? In the living you will experience and in the experience you will live or live not. In this world of internal and external change, of mind, of body, circumstances, etc., etc., etc., it is well to bear in mind that where there is a cause there is an effect. Without the cause there is no effect, without the effect, no cause. For every action there is a reaction and vice versa. Uphold your Dharma. Live a solid life. Begin with respecting and appreciating.

Om shanti,
Gurani Anjali