From Gurani Anjali’s Mission Statement:

“The heart of this Ashram are the pillars; those taken oaths and rightly dedicated. I appreciate each one of you, you came to me seeking the answers to your own individual lives. We were strangers before then, we were unknown to each other. I am glad that you have come to the realization that we belong to the family of man, and as long as there is one individual who is in pain, we cannot be comfortable. As you have gained knowledge, and as you grow daily in life feeling the full essence of reality, may you continue to set a strong example to all those you meet and to all those who will come to you for guidance. You have chosen of your own free will to serve and be of service, to uphold the dignity of man through the teaching of Patanjali’s Yoga as taught by me in this Ashram.

There can never be a reward or a prize given to you for your service and devotion. Your service is priceless and beyond time. As your Gurani, I will stand by you as long as time permits. Through the wisdom of Yoga and the compassion that is within me, I expect each of you to do likewise. It is your right to uphold and protect your Ashram and it is your duty to serve. Thus bringing about the true meaning of Yoga.”

Pillar Dedication (first group) - October 21, 1972

  • Devi Padmani Krishnanand (Barbara Higgins)
  • Karren Gartleman
  • Joan McGuiness
  • Beth Stevens
  • Linda Willis
  • Richard Caruso
  • John MacLaury
  • Roy Mitchell
  • Chris Orgill
  • Richard Willis

Being born in a human body is a great achievement,
don’t stop now and relax,
the journey has not ended.
Self-Realization is your destination,
you might not know it, but that’s your goal —
Now is the most important time of your life.

Follow the path of Yoga,
and live in the light of the reality of life.
Yoga is the way of life.
Get to know your body,
its organs, its senses, its reasons for being;
your brain, its reasons for being;
your soul (Atman), its reason for being.

Gurani Anjali

Pillar Dedication (second group) - October 19, 1974

  • Eugene P. Kelly, Jr.
  • Indu Satyananda (Bobbie Richartz)
  • Kathe Uzzi
  • Salvator Familia
  • Glenn James
  • John Doukas
  • Danny Romano
  • Jim Kiley
  • Eileen Kiley
  • John Sherdon
  • Phil Richartz


Yoga Anand Ashram is a non-profit organization.
Its aim is to teach Yoga to all who will enter into the Ashram.
Self-Realization is possible in this birth,
for nothing is impossible to the one who is a TRUE SEEKER.

Gurani Anjali

Pillar Dedication (third group) - October 1985

  • Don Jeremiah
  • Bill Bilodeau
  • Marianne Stanton
  • Lorretta Quintano


  • Tom Affatigato
  • Yvette Pagano
  • Frank Pagano
  • Nancy Caruso

Pillar Dedication (fourth group)

  • Christopher Key Chapple
  • Maureen Shannon-Chapple

Pillar Training

Pillar Dinners