Sing your heart out, instead of thinking. Sing day and night. Let the voice come out of you. Let the nadam (sound) be heard by you. When you sing, open up your heart. Open up the anahata cakra (your heart center), because it has been squashed for too many years. Hear your voice. Don’t keep your lips sealed. Sing out loud. Hear yourself sing. Hear the voice. And if you say, “I don’t know what to sing, I can’t sing. I don’t have a good voice,” just chant Om. Let your voice be heard by you, and sing through you.
Open up the chakras (nerve centers) so that you can move and feel the freedom that you always have, but gets concealed. It is hidden away because of ignorance coming in the form of circumstances around you which are brought about by people. Look at the person who stands in front of you. Look. Don’t only look, but stand firm in the Self and express the Self.
In order to come to the realization of meditation, many techniques are employed. Singing is one technique which allows you to go within yourself. By going within, you may reach out, so that all may hear you; especially yourself. So that you may hear your voice and hear many voices within you – sounding the sound of Om – going through the many movements and rhythms of sound. Through singing you may enter the silent depth within. There is a lot to the sacredness of life.
In this human condition, we must sing the praises of entering into the sacredness, the internal chambers of divine consciousness. At the moment of realization one sings and then shares that song so the moment of realization may be shared with the many. How powerful sound is. How powerful praise is. Through the voice, it is our duty and our honor to speak for these powers.
It is very good to sing. Because the sound does move the body, and it does create a certain sattvic mood. And it balances off the gunas. Especially the tendency of –there is always the wanting to go, go, go. We must change that around and try to be, be, be.
Be happy and sing. Be happy. The bird when it flies out of the cage is so happy. It opens up its wings and it just flies. Like that, like a bird which is locked within the cage of this body, let your voice rise up and let it go. Show your freedom. Raise your voice.
Om shanti,
Gurani Anjali