Gurani Anjali’s vision allowed for the participation of countless seekers after truth from all walks of life. The realization possible through selfless action (Karma Yoga) and personal sacrifice is a theme that runs deeply throughout her Yoga teachings. She was adept at creating a myriad of opportunities, for whoever she encountered, to perform acts that would draw them away from their conditioned selfishness and desires; to see and understand the nature of all action.
She created a safe haven where a motivated individual could both work very hard at rooting out the obstacles to achieving unitive awareness, and feel the support of a loving and compassionate teacher and community. This love and compassion sustained many through the disorienting and often painful changes that accompany the journey to the realization of selflessness and ultimate freedom.
Karma & the Need for Purification
The word Karma is derived from the verbal root kr meaning “to make” or “do.”
Karma means action.
“One becomes virtuous (punya) by virtuous actions. One becomes evil (papa) by evil actions.”
(Brhadaranyaka Upanisad III.2.13)
The word Dharma is derived from the verbal root dhr meaning “to hold” or “break.”
Dharma has many meanings depending on the context. Primarily it means “that which is established or firm.” Often translated as “duty,” “law,” “practice,” “virtue,” “morality,” “religion,” and many more.
All actions (Karma) are held together by Dharma. No actions are without their organization. Both Karma and Dharma are selfless. Dharma and karma, one cannot be without the other. If their selfless nature is not realized, Karma and Dharma become bondage (samsara) . If their selfless nature is realized, Karma and Dharma are freedom itself.
Om shanti,
Gurani Anjali