by Gurani Anjali

A place, any place, can be sanctified by the continuation of daily observances, both physical and mental. Once these are attended to, the place becomes holy. As seekers after truth, we seek out places where the great souls have walked so that some of that dust may stick to the soles of our feet and make us whole again.

Living in this world we feel, at times, scattered to the wind. We keep seeking that lost horizon, immortality. The absolute reality is infinite and can be found in all finite forms. Finding the perfect situation, we can compose ourselves. When we have done so, we can feel the presence of the all-encompassing reality in that place. Thus, monuments, temples, and ashrams are forms born out of this experience for all to see and rejoice in.

Physical manifestations of spiritual centers play an important role in the community and lives of the people. Places of worship will always attract seekers because these places are not images with dead carcasses, but are filled with chinmay (full of consciousness). The magnetic pull of consciousness is felt by anyone entering. Some cannot leave for years and years. Some leave carrying the place within their minds and hearts forever.

To raise a structure in honor of the absolute reality, gifts of all kinds and land donations from the community provide continual support and worship. By doing so, one attains the magnificence and splendor of consciousness. It is stated in the sacred writings that the place of worship must be strong and beautiful, with flower gardens where people can gather for devotional renderings and festivals. Many sages have built places of worship and established dharmas. Each place has its own mode of conduct and rules, yet all lead to the same goal.

Ekam sat, viprah babudha vadanti – truth is one, sages call it differently. In the earlier times, people contributed more freely to the building of sacred structures without counting the cost. But in modern times, nothing is left to faith and trust. Therefore, mental, physical, and spiritual disciplines are absolutely necessary. Disciplines will lead to direct experience, which the modern age demands. Only then will one give and support the dharma.

The present day situation allows for individual recognition and releases one from the burden of guru/disciple, teacher/student relationships. This is neither good nor bad, but the way it is. The stigma of inferiority or superiority is removed. However, as long as there is the seeker there will be a leader (guru). Mental attitudes have changed in the evolutionary cycle of human development. As long as there is cause and effect, dependency on one who knows will always be the case. The seeker needs spiritual foundation and for this reason a place is needed for the spiritual journey. Of course, the guru (spiritual guide), makes the path visible.

Om shanti,
Gurani Anjali