Once a year
       the dusty plain
               of the great Kalahari Desert
       turns into a shallow lake

A flock of gray white pelicans
        flies in from the distant sea
                 to wade in the knee-deep waters
        to hatch and raise their young

The sun beats down, day after day
the water steams and thins
        Will the little ones
        learn to fly in time
before the birth sea disappears?

O Kwan Yin
     white queen of hearts
     riding the puffy clouds
Remember your vow to all living things
Watch over the pelican brood

Yes, it sometimes happens
     the merciless sun
     drinks up the entire lake
The mother pelicans watch in dismay
     as the children chase a mirage

Finally they must leave their young
     on the burning desert sands
     circle twice calling out in distress
and return to the bitter sea