Now demanding respect
   and a place in time
not wanting recognition
   for merely looking fine.

The creative force moving
   for its rightful position
calling for men
   to end their superstition.

No longer an object
   to puff up your pride
she now walks with dignity
   pushing disrespect aside.

Look at her now men
   with a new point of view
she’s got something to show
   that she didn’t learn from you.

She knows how to love life
   with honor and respect,
men it’s you and your evils
   that she’s out to correct
wake up new woman
   and show me your way
for sensitivity and kindness
   are the things you say.

Teach me to love
   without wanting to own
when I can cry freely
   I will know I have grown
into honor and respect
   for woman and her force.

Please men wake up
   and seek a divorce
from myth and tale
   about woman being things
it’s appreciation and respect for her
   that true knowledge brings.

So next time you see her
   remember that she’s alive
it’s her attributes and tolerance
   after which you strive.