by Gurani Anjali

We often think of our life in terms of a journey. We think in terms of time… in terms of a long time. But life in reality is always now. When you wake up tomorrow, it will be today. It is always today. But you see, in this world of cause and effect, we are feeling the changes. We go through the climatic changes. We go through the emotional stresses. We go through physiological changes. We fear the changes and at the same time, we look forward to the changes. We want and we don’t want. This is our dilemma. We want and we don’t want. We want the change, and yet, we don’t want it. You can take just these simple words, you can think about them, and you can go nuts, you know. You want the change. You want the summer to come and when it comes you say, “Ah, it’s too hot. Oh, it is hot!” So you wait for the sunset and then it cools off. Even for just a few hours, the jiva (individual self) cannot stand it.

So you must have both the pain and the pleasure. You must learn to enjoy the pain. Learn to love it. When it gets really hot, get into more activity. Mop the floor, clean, do things. Don’t sit and say, “It’s too hot, it’s just too hot. Sweat a little more. Get rid of the toxins. Feel your life, because this is what this life is all about. This life is to feel. You’ve got to feel it. You cannot say, “I don’t want it.” You see, you have to be able to enjoy this life. Enjoy the heat and the cold, the negative and the positive, the pain and the pleasure. They must be experienced and you must feel good in it. Just feel good. Even when you’re sweating, feel good.

You know how when you are in love and locked in an embrace, it is very hot, it is sweaty. And you’re sticking to each other. Now most of you have done that, right? You don’t say it’s too hot at those times, do you? This is just a little glimpse into reality. Now, you have to find that same ecstasy when you are not in an amorous embrace. Love making is 24 hours a day when you’re locked in the embrace of the divine. It never ends. You must make the twinkle come back in your eyes and you must be constantly in love. You know what I’m talking about. You must make it a human reality. The divine play of life must be brought into human realities. So next time you are sweating in the heat of the sun, or shivering in the cold, enjoy it. It doesn’t last long. But when it is, it is. Get into the “is-ness” and then it changes and changes and changes. Get into the divine play of life. Om shanti.

Meditations & Lectures by Gurani Anjali