by Gurani Anjali

First Bow down facing east giving respect to the rising sun. Say Namaste, Om shanti, shanti, shanti. Then stand up with both hands together at the heart, in anjali mudra.

Paraka (inhale), raise the hands above forehead.

Rechaka (exhale), bring anjali hands back to the heart.

Paraka, raise hands above the head. With both hands facing outward, bend backwards and hold.

Rechaka, swing forward, and bend from the waist upward. Tough the ground with respect.

Straighten up paraka, and go down. . .

Rechaka, as in Namaste (as before the havan).

Paraka and go into the naga. Rechaka and return to namaste (as in front of the havan).

Straighten up.

Sit in cross legged position with chintamani mudra, doing paraka and rechaka three times.

Do paraka and stand up with anjali hands near heart. Rechaka, and raise anjali hands above forehead, then paraka and return anjali hands to heart.

Rotate in this position facing Eat, West, North and South, paraka and rechaka at each direction.

Then facing east again, paraka and rechaka, and go all the way down as you would in front of the havan. Say namaste, Om shanti, shanti, shanti, and sit with chin mudra.