by Gurani Anjali

While you are in this world and watching all the different changes of life, I hope from time to time you will open up your heart and thank the all-providing, penetrating, all-encompassing force, the paramatma, the universal God, the one without a second, for all the blessings of life. Without the grace, without the presence that is within and without, nothing can ever be. I hope from time to time you do that. I do that every single moment of my life. And because of that I have a tremendous amount of strength, energy, perseverance, tolerance — that is a big one — tolerance to be. To be through it all.

I am human just like you are, and you are human just like I am. This life is in constant motion, to see all this and to be in all this, is something very, very fascinating. We have this human existence only one time around, so let’s make the best of it. Enjoy it! See it, appreciate it and be, above all, like a little child. Have simplicity and faith, not with the mind, but with action and reaction.

A child is totally, completely sattvic (pure, bright). We would all love to be in that state like a child, where there is no fear, no anxiety, no worry about who’s going to say what to you or how you are supposed to act and react. A child is always right “there.” I would love to see everyone like that. It is a great place to be in. When there is a child around, everyone gravitates towards that child. They have a magnetic pull. It is like when you go near the ocean and sit near the waves just watching and feeling the pull of the ocean. A child does that. A child just pulls you into the childish state where you must descend from your lofty ideas and ideals and you must, — you have no choice — you just have to descend. You have to leave those lofty ideas, no matter how great you are. You have to come right down and be a child. So from time to time, open up your heart and give praises and thanks. Praise the divine mother, the creative energy, prakriti, the great force that is in all beings, all forms, all colors. Magnify it, sustain it. Let us always show never ending thankfulness and praise. Om shanti.

Meditations & Lectures by Gurani Anjali